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10 Months Update: Stepping Up my Game in 2019!

In this Update:

  • Adding Structured Training - For Real!
  • First Mountain Bike Outing in a While!

Adding Structured Training
After spending a wonderful time with my family over Christmas and New Year’s, I was hitting the ground running, starting the first week of January. One big benefit of writing this blog is that it makes me reflect on my progress (or lack thereof). I have to say that I haven’t felt all that great: I have been really sore between my shoulder blades and upper back (you could single out individual knots), my lower back has been fine but also tight, and my endurance level is pitiful. I do treasure the absence of the crippling pain every day though!!!

Here is a significant pattern that I am very much aware of: between my stressful job (and long hours), the demands of graduate school, and day-to-day errands, I just don’t find the time to do true workouts! Last summer, I was trying to commit to a structured workout routine every week, no matter what. I have to admit that this didn’t work out at all – I failed miserably! I realized that without guidance and structure, I won’t be able to do what I need to do in terms of exercise. So, I adjusted my strategy: my dear friend Angela Clough is the owner of the Crossfit Lake Nona gym, and she agreed to help me achieve my workout goals in a safe and effective way. Angela has recovered from a serious back injury herself, so she knows my fears (especially of lifting weights) and where I am coming from. She is creating tailored workouts for me, so that I can get strong and fit again without jeopardizing my new back.

Meet Angela, my photo-bombing trainer:

Over the last couple weeks, Angela assessed my abilities, strengths, and weaknesses in order to come up with a progressive workout plan. There were four “assessment days” during which my posterior chain, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, and core were put to the test… But don’t let the word “assessment” fool you, I was soooore (in a good way, if you know what I mean) like I haven’t been in a long time!

First of all, I want to thank my physical therapist and trainer Bill for doing a fantastic job rehabbing me after surgery. Apparently, my back muscles are a lot stronger than expected, which was evident during the Sorenson test (see picture). I was able to hold the required position for 3 minutes and 10 seconds, which I was told was an excellent result! But now, I am ready to enter the next phase of fitness and wellness.

Starting out with some very basic movements and exercises to gauge my overall strengths and symmetry .


After Day 1, I couldn’t lift my arms over my head for a couple of days, even if my life depended on it during a bank robbery. I haven’t done pull-ups and push-ups like that in ages, and even though the pull-ups were banded, they kicked my butt, lol!

Day 3 was scary and exciting all at once. I know I need to re-introduce weight training into my routine to keep my bones and muscles strong. But I am not going to lie: I have been a tad leery about lifting weights but having such a competent coach has helped me gain the confidence I needed. To be perfectly clear, though, I have absolutely not ambition to become an Olympic Weightlifter or Powerlifter. But I need to be able to train with weights to protect my back and bones!

Here is the answer to the question that most likely crossed your mind at this point: how did/do I feel? AMAZING! Doing a deadlift correctly will tax your hamstrings and glutes but should never strain your back. At no time did I feel any pain or undesired discomfort during or after the move! After all: that’s why I chose the LP-ESP and its buffering properties. Before surgery, I couldn't even pick up my 13-pound senior-puppy!

P.S.: I also realized that I needed flat, non-cushioned shoes to secure a non-wobbly stance while lifting, so I got a pair of Nike Metcons (my first non-Hoka pair in a long time).

At this point, I can already feel the effects of a structured workout program. I have more energy, my muscles between my shoulder blades and lower back are significantly less tight, and I feel overall a greater sense of wellness, if that makes any sense. However, Day 4 had a heavy focus on the hamstrings and glutes, so for the next couple days, I dreaded stairs and walked like a duck! But I am all recovered now and ready to begin my actual workouts this week!!!

Biking in Hal Scott Preserve
I haven’t had the chance to ride my new mountain bike much at all, lately. I am also still in the process of finding the right saddle for my butt, but maybe if my glutes get stronger, my tolerance will, too. So, last Saturday we went on a leisurely ride (my legs were still tired from the Day 4 workout) at Hal Scott Preserve. There is an interesting network of trails, going from grassy-overgrown, to hard-packed dirt, to large-gravel trails, to peanut butter mud holes. It was a beautiful Florida day, just before the next cold-front was rolling in. I think I should get properly fitted at JC’s bike shop to get the saddle-issue resolved. After that, I will be unstoppable!!!

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